Monday, October 19, 2009

Alexandre Zourai Paris -- 群眾力量(?)

敝站再次發揮讀者效應。先後收到關於alexandre zourai paris那篇字的糾正。中英文版本都有,大家明顯不想見到我出醜,知少少扮代表。謝謝資料提供,刊出來給大家看。


“Alexandre Zourai Paris is in fact a new brand.

The owner/designer/proprietor of Alexandre Zourai Paris was in fact the former employee of Alexandre Paris.

He/she has stolen the techniques of making those clips and established the new brand..
and the salespersons in Hong Kong are simply making different excuses up to explain why the name of the brand has changed.

I was told more than a year ago that the designer of Alexandre Paris has passed way, and that why the shop would be named Alexandre Zourai Paris.

Alexandre Paris still exists in Hong Kong and the shop is located at Sebui at PP. and a year or so ago, Alexandre Paris has taken out legal action against Alexandre Zourai Paris for "passing off"

you may not be aware that a year ago, the logo of Alexandre Zourai Paris was almost identical to the logo of Alexandre Paris... and that's why there was a legal action against Alexandre Zourai Paris.” From Peg.

「關於早幾天那篇關於Alexandre Zouari Paris的網誌, 以我所知應該有點誤會的地方。

其實Alexandra de Paris跟Alexandre Zouari Paris是兩個不同的品牌。Alexandra de Paris的歷史比Alexandre Zouari Paris長很多! 之前一直是由某公司作代理的, 後來品牌與代理的合作終止後, 代理便將香港所有分店改名為Alexandre Zouari Paris, 並宣稱是Alexandra de Paris改名的。

以前的Alexandra de Paris的分店都改成了Alexandre Zouari Paris, 而Alexandra de Paris則於中環Harvey Nichols, 金鐘跟尖沙咀的Seibu設有counter。


對了, Alexandre de Paris轉了自己在香港直接代理後, 質素差了很多很多! 我現在已經放棄這個品牌的東東 (Alexandre Zouari Paris的設計很老!) 改用Citysuper買的橡根算了。」-- 我不是公主小妹上