Wednesday, November 03, 2010




男方:我請在場各人見證:我 (男方姓名) 願以你 (女 方姓名) 為我合法妻子。
女方:我請在場各人見證:我 (女方姓名) 願以你 (男 方姓名) 為我合法丈夫。


I, _(name)__ , take you, _(name)__ , to be my partner, loving what I know of you, and trusting what I do not yet know.

I promise to love you as you are, and not to try to change you. You are the person I want you to be, and the one with whom I want to be.

I eagerly anticipate getting to know the person you will become as we go through life together and fall in love a little more every day.

I promise to love you without reservation, and give you comfort when you need comfort, and space when you need space.

I vow to encourage you to achieve all of your goals, to hold you close as we laugh and as we cry, to grow with you in mind and spirit, to always be open and honest with you, and to cherish you through whatever life may bring us. Our future lies in the path we have chosen together.

I promise to work by your side to create a life that we can cherish, inspiring your love for me and mine for you, and to grow old by your side as your love and your best friend.






